Tuesday, February 23, 2010

All Systems Are Go...

What the shit.

Well, now that the tone has been set for this little experiment, on to the meat of things.

You know how your girlfriend makes you watch those movies where the guy meets the girl, they fall in love but she's getting married/engaged/joining a nunnery. He screws it up by "being the good guy"/having a secret past/sleeping with her best friend. She leaves the country to pursue her now marred "dream" and he jumps on the next flight, chases after her to Brigadoon, spills his heart out and they live happily ever after.

This is a scenario is a lie. A clever ruse perpetrated by giant aeronautics corporations to keep you buying airline tickets in the hope that you can live the fairy tale in some halcyon paradise.

Greedy Bastards.

Do you have any idea what it takes to move to another country? I'll give you a hint: I've been working on this for a year. That's right kids, I'm moving to South Korea. Welcome to the freak show. I'm not going to tell you who I am yet because frankly, I don't trust you. It's kept me out of Chinese prisons and child free for 30 years, so if it works, don't fuck with it.

See you on the Dark Side.