Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Damn it.

3 weeks in and I've already managed to befriend the two teachers who, out of nowhere, have developed an intense and fiery hatred for each other. Consequently, I managed to have my first "Leave Me The Hell Out Of It" conversation. This has presented it's own set of difficulties in a culture where politeness and the semblance of agreement is prized more than honesty. You see, in the States I could use such choice vocabulary as, oh, say... "Leave Me The Hell Out Of It", but the combination of the fact that I share an "office" with both of them and the aforementioned affinity for face-saving prevents me from being as efficient as I would like. So, I learn a new skill: The Art of the Honeyed Tongue (minds out of the gutter my lesbies :p), by which I mean careful diplomatic treading of the estrogen minefield that is my work environment.

As for work, things are much better since I gritted my teeth and surrendered my sense of self-importance. A painful process as those of you who've actually met me can attest. So for now, all's well on all but maybe the Northern Fronts.

See you on the Dark Side

1 comment:

  1. My mind wasn't even in the gutter until you said something! Lol
