Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I am up late drinking Scotch and reading Ginsberg.

God I wish I could write like him.

God I need to get out of here.

God I wish I could sleep...

See you on the Dark Side


  1. Ginsberg is one of those writers who makes you feel like just throwing in the towel, every time. Because you know you'll never have it in you to something that passionate and perfect down on a page. At the same time, he makes you really, really want to try.

  2. I don't even know who that is. That means I win!!

  3. You win the Buford J Bufordson illiteracy award! Yay!

  4. Seriously though you would like Allen Ginsberg. Read Howl.

  5. I'm a reader! I googled him, now I know who he is! I'm keeping my illiteracy award, though. Now I have to google Buford J Bufordson. You're making my life difficult.
