Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hand rolled cigarette: Check

Glass of 14 year old scotch: Check

Slice of deep dish Chicago style pizza: Check

Kung Fu movie: Check

There are some things in life that bring us to a state of zen-like comfort. These things may take a lifetime of exploration and experimentation to find, but once discovered they are an important step into an existential realm of the sublime. Mine happen to be a combination of things that were once outlawed by the mandates of a society in which I was raised but in which I was never truly at home. I have found some things that truly make me happy, and I fear that some of these things may shortly become unavailable to me. However, I also believe in never becoming sedate or complacent, and so I embark on a journey which will take me into an entirely new realm of discovery. Find what brings you to enlightenment, but never make the mistake of thinking that those are the only things which will.

See you on the Dark Side

Editor's note: The other option for this post was "Holy Shit! Cheetahs!" That's what happens when you watch the Nature channel drunk. Maybe I'll post that one later.

1 comment:

  1. You know a post is great when you ejaculate by the end of the fourth line.
